RS-Server Overview
The rs-server offers essential services for building Copernicus processing workflows, all secured by stringent access controls. Rs-server adheres to the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) format. By adopting a standardized format like STAC, rs-server aims to streamline the organization and querying of geospatial asset metadata.
Key Features
Catalog Function: the rs-server offers robust access control per collection within a catalog. Each end-user, utilizing an API key, can access their collection and others they are authorized for.
- Search Function: the rs-server provides STAC interfaces to search items on CSC stations:
- Copernicus Ground Stations: Retrieve CADU chunks.
- Copernicus AUXIP Stations: Retrieve auxiliary data.
- Copernicus Long Term Archives: Retrieve any Level-0 products.
- Copernicus Production Services: Retrieve Level-1 and Level-2 recent products.
Browsing Function: the rs-server provides a STAC Browser tool for exploring data from stations. The browser features an intuitive and responsive design, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. It provides a seamless experience for both novice and experienced geospatial data users.
- Staging Function: the rs-server allows end-users to integrate retrieved data into the STAC catalog. This feature stages a STAC itemCollection from external data sources to object storage and stores the STAC items in the catalog.
About STAC
The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification provides a common structure for describing and cataloging spatiotemporal assets. A spatiotemporal asset is any file representing information about the Earth captured at a specific time and place. STAC allows geospatial data to be more easily searchable and queryable by establishing a standard, unified language.